Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rediscovering ourselves..

We all spend all our lives trying to do things we like and making note of the things that we don’t.. Life thus is a vicious circle of discovery and re-discovery.. And its not just limited to the things around but involves emotions and the people as well.. Its also about discovering different facets of our own self In one way or the other..

N novel “eat,pray,love” which has a movie by the same name is about a woman who had the perfect life that just fell apart.. Divorce, broken relationships, bad experiences and all that could go wrong, went wrong.. And then when she reaches a final point, she decides that she needs to re-discover herself.. And so she undertakes a journey that spans across continents and does the things that she always wanted to do all her life but didn’t.. Not that she couldn’t do them, but coz there was always something “more important”.. But she had the guts to leave it all behind and go out, face her fears and that too alone.. The whole thought and the journey is very moving and inspiring... but somehow it made me think, do we all need to take a year off from our regular life to look into what we are and go on this path of re-discovering ourselves.. Have we all lost all track of time and of who we really are that we have become more like machines without even knowing what we actually want from life??

My mom says that - Life now has become way more simple in terms of managing work and our daily chores but way complicated for managing ourselves and the people around.. And it is soo true.. Now we have the latest gadgets, the gizmos, the cars and all that man couldn’t even think of a century ago but still we don’t find the “inner peace”.. we now have the finest beds but no sleep.. The fastest cars but no one to go to.. Technology (along with the ever rising population.. ;P) has made the world a smaller place to live in but the distances between people are far more than they ever were. Are we soo busy putting up with the daily routines that our life has become nothing more than just a never ending triumph of “wish-fulfilment” for all the worldly things that we want to achieve. Not just our own wish-list, there is also the wish list that society and the people around us make out for the things that “we all should do”.. and its not just a wish list.. it’s a time bomb.. and people around, including ur friends, family and others make sure to constantly remind U that time is running out.. the clock is always ticking.. there is always an age of everything that SHOULD be done according to the social norms.. complete ur education, get a job, get married, have kids, get a house.. and the list is endless.. And without even realizing it, we tend to become mere puppets to the whole timeline game.. to further complicate our already knotty life, we tend to forget what we really want and become the machines that run out after a while and cry out for a break.. our lives haven’t always been so chaotic. It's just the world around and the only real trap is getting attached to any of it.. there is a constant need for feeling loved by someone else to prove that we loves ourselves and our lives..

But are we really happy being the perfect people that we are expected to be?? Don’t we all want to run away from all that’s happening around.. and that break from everybody.. not to be alone, but to be with OURSELVES.. to find ourselves and to re evaluate ourselves… and it doesn’t have to be the annual journey to the Himalayas.. J.. it can be the simple 10 minute walk you take with yourself in the evening.. or the painting that you make..the song that U sing aloud to yourself.. or even the cup of coffee with the book you love.. its not about what you do but how you do it that really matters in the end.. J.. re discovery is an eventual process that involves understanding what you want and what makes you happy.. a journey that makes life worthwhile.. its not the sitting in an ashram and controlling your thoughts, it’s the sitting with yourself and understanding your heart.. getting to know yourself and the self discovery of the things that you want and the ones that are reallyyy important.. guess that’s when you make out that your life is as simple as “eat, pray and love”.. J

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